All India API & Bulk Drugs Directory All India API & Bulk Drug Directory 2019 - 20 | Page 51

PUBLISHERS NOTE ALL INDIA API & BULK DRUG DIRECTORY 2019-2020 Mazda publications is proud to present their Second edition for the Pharmaceutical Industry - The All India API & Bulk Drug Directory 2019 – 20. This directory is full of information which will be of ultimate use to manufacturers, traders, brokers in the Active Pharma Ingredient and Bulk Drug Industry. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is at a very unique cross-road owing to the expected growth in the overall economy because of the new central government which is seen to the pro – growth and extremely business friendly. The AIABDD is our humble attempt at aiding business to business interaction and help growth in the Pharma Industry. Owing to the huge amount of data this directly is made in three section. Section 1 - Purchase Manager - Pharma Industry Section 2 - API and Bulk Drug Traders / IImporters / Exporters Section 3 - API and Bulk Drug Manufacturers Section 4 - API and Bulk Drug Brokers Needless to mention we are sure that the AIABDD will prove to be a business tool par excellence for all your information needs in the formulators industry. we have tried our level best in providing you with the very best and updated information. Users are welcome to sent in their feedback, comments and suggestions so that we can incorporate then in the next edition of AIABDD. Lastly, let me take this opportunity to thank our advertisers who have supported us and also team which has worked very hard for this AIABDD Second edition May you and your business prosper Prakash Anjalekar Publisher All India API & Bulk Drugs Directory 49 2019-2020