All India API & Bulk Drugs Directory All India API & Bulk Drug Directory 2019 - 20 | Page 20

THERMAL MASS FLOW METER Compressed air flow meter TURBINE FLOW METER Digital Gas flow meter Application: Compressed air, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, argon, carbon-dixoide, helium, lpg gas, natural gas, bio gas and other dry gases. Output: Flow rate, totalizer, 4-20 mA, RS 485 MODBUS RTU, Data logging, online monitoring Flow Traceability : NABL Digital flow meter with flow rate & Totalizer Application: DM Water, DIESEL, ACETONE, TOLUNE, METHANOL, ETHANOL, IPA, HEXANE, Oil ETC Output: Flow rate, totalizer, 4-20 mA, RS 485 MODBUS RTU, Batching, online monitoring Flow Traceability : NABL PROCESS CONTROL DEVICES MOB: 18 Batch Flow Meter ADD : ACCURATE FLOW MEASUREMENT EXPERT WEBSITE: I