Where are the street protests over Syria ' s bloodbaths ?
Written by Ryan Brown
Where are the demonstrations ? The shocking disclosure that Syria ’ s civil war has claimed at least 60,000 lives has brought precious little reaction . To place this in context , President Bashar al-Assad ’ s murderous struggle to keep his stranglehold on power has now killed more people than any of the Arab-Israeli wars .
Not one of those conflicts , going back to and including 1948 , was remotely as bloody as the conflagration in Syria . The nearest comparison is the Six Day War of 1967 , which killed 23,500 Arabs and 1,000 Israelis – barely a third of the death toll in today ’ s Syria .
When Israel fought its last war in Lebanon in 2006 , claiming 1,350 lives , there were daily demonstrations outside Israeli embassies across the world , particularly here in London . About 40 times as many people have died in Syria . So where are the protests ? Syria still has an embassy in Belgrave Square , although admittedly its diplomats have been withdrawn . Why is there not a roundthe-clock demonstration ?
The people who tend to organise protests often voice their outrage about “ Western double standards ”. What about their own double standards ? When Israel kills Arabs , they are easily stirred to outrage . When an Arab leader kills many more Arabs , they are less concerned . Meanwhile , the only round-the-clock political protest in London seems to be an ugly banner in Parliament Square protesting about Nato ’ s presence in Afghanistan . Wrong target , wrong place . What about protesting against Assad in Belgrave Square ?
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