The Beginning...
Lova Green was born to Cindy and Gary Green on April 5, 1990 in Chillicothe, Ohio. Lova is the youngest child, her older brother Maxwell is twenty-four. Lova reflects on being the only daughter in her family, “I was always the princess, the baby, and I think that being spoiled by my parents was an obstacle that I eventually was forced to overcome. I did not know what the word ‘share’ meant until I went to preschool.” Luckily for the new friends that she made in school, her ability to share has improved vastly over the years.
Lova with her father, Gary, at Dad's Weekend at OU in Januaray 2011.
Soccer, Soccer, Soccer...
Growing up in Chillicothe, a small town in Southeastern Ohio, there was not much to do, so Lova found entertainment in sports. “I played soccer from the first grade until my senior year in high school, and I loved every second of it,” says Green. She claims that a lot of the positive aspects of her personality are attributed to her involvement in an organized sport, “Teamwork, respect, and hard work are all things that I learned through my involvement in soccer and I think it has helped me to be successful in college.