CHURCHES 1 Life Church Efrain Villarreal - Pastor 1605 N . Main St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-526-1826 www . facebook . com / 1lifecleburne
Ascension Church Eddie Scheler - Pastor 205 S . Ridgeway Drive Cleburne , TX 76033-4699 817-645-9452 www . ascensioncleburne . org
Bethel Temple Assembly of God Mike Mizell - Pastor 600 S . Colonial Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-2781 www . bethelcleburne . org
Bono Baptist Church John Tanner - Pastor 6349 Bono Road Godley , TX 76044 817-517-5239 www . bonobaptist . org
Buffalo Creek Fellowship Jack & Carol Garr - Pastors 901 S . Hillsboro St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-357-9843 www . buffalocreekfellowship . faith
Calvary Baptist Church Brooks Monk 700 Woodard Ave . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-7758 www . calvarycleburne . com
Cleburne Bible Church Dr . David denHartog - Senior Pastor 930 N . Nolan River Road Cleburne , TX 76033 817-641-8142 www . cleburnebible . org
Cornerstone Methodist Church of Cleburne Janet White - Secretary 111 Meadow View Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-343-7072 cornerstonemethodist . org
Faith Temple Church Donnie Cappers - Pastor 1440 Kilpatrick Court Cleburne , TX 76033 682-317-1801 https :// faithtemplecleburne . com
Field Street Baptist Church Dr . John Hall - Pastor 201 N . Field St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-4376 www . fieldstreet . com
First Baptist Church Cliff Holdridge - Senior Pastor 414 N . Main St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-6684 www . fbccleburne . org
First United Methodist Church 1300 Westhill Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-6392 www . fumccleburne . com
Friendship Baptist Church Randy Pitcock - Elder 4661 S . Hwy 171 Cleburne , TX 76031 817-556-3476 friendshipcleburne . org
Henderson Street Baptist Church Neale Oliver - Pastor 919 E . Henderson St . Cleburne , TX 76031 817-645-7881 www . hendersonstreet . org
Hope Church Todd Barham - Pastor 2125 N . Nolan River Blvd . Cleburne , TX 76033 682-317-1093 hopechurchcleburne . com
Promise Church Kevin Jones - Pastor 104 Sunset Cleburne , TX 76033 817-659-5160 www . promisechurchcleburne . com
St John Vianney Catholic Church 200 S . Nolan River Road Cleburne , TX 76033 817-487-7178 www . stjohnvianneycleburne . com
St . Mark United Methodist Church 1109 W . Henderson St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-641-3311 www . stmarkcleburne . com
StoneWater Church , Cleburne Campus Brad Reedy - Campus Pastor 1655 W . Henderson , Suite B Cleburne , Texas 76033 817-579-9175 https :// cleburne . stonewaterchurch . com
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints , Burleson , TX Stake Roque Moreira - Communications Committee Member , Stake High Council 303 S . Nolan River Road Cleburne , TX 76031 214-676-1037
The Heights Church Kody Hughes - Pastor 1315 Grandview Hwy . Cleburne , TX 76031-9687 817-558-2121 www . heightslife . org / en
The Parish Church of the Holy Comforter Cooper Morelock - Rector 209 E . Wardville St . Cleburne , TX 76031 817-202-8855 www . holycomfortercleburne . org
To a Lost and Hurting World Ministry Pastor Oliver Cozby - Pastor Cleburne , TX 76033 817-487-8740
United Presbyterian Church 1510 Westhill Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-641-6646 www . cleburnepresbyterian . org
Westhill Church of Christ 1100 W . Westhill Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-9193 www . westhillchurch . net
CITY GOVERNMENT City of Cleburne Scott Cain - Mayor 10 N . Robinson St . Cleburne , TX 76031 817-645-0900 www . cleburne . net
CLEANERS Dry Clean Super Center BJ Shrestha & RAJ Pokhavel - Owners 1668 W . Henderson St . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-645-1111
Texas Cleaners Ann Walker - Manager 124 Faircrest Drive Cleburne , TX 76033 817-556-9500
CLEANING SERVICE Bertha ’ s Maid Service Delfido Cavazos . Jr . - Owner 311Myers Ave . Cleburne , TX 76033 817-690-0821 berthasmaidservice . com