All Aboard Cleburne 2024 Chamber Directory | Page 26

Setting the stage

Cleburne is a town of entertainment — with everything from blues concerts to live theater-inthe-round to comedies on stage . Enjoy your pick of several options for a night out on the town .
Plaza Theatre Co . at Dudley Hall 305 S . Anglin St . 817-202-0600
Located at Dudley Hall , Plaza Theatre Company presents live productions every weekend year-round . With musicals , comedies , and dramas , it hosts family-friendly entertainment for all ages to enjoy .
See classic musicals and comedies like “ The Little Mermaid ” or “ Steel Magnolias ,” dramas such as “ To Kill A Mockingbird ,” and even Christmas productions like “ A Christmas Carol .” Most shows play Thursday , Friday , and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p . m ., with Saturday matinees at 3:30 p . m . Also , check out Plaza Main Street Theatre for children ’ s shows and mysteries .
Songbird Live 210 E . Henderson St 817-489-4840
Don ’ t miss out on Songbird Live ! — a fun listening room to enjoy great music in historic downtown . Experience the unique listening room that delivers music in an intimate setting , up close and personal . Featuring music of all genres — jazz , rock , blues , gospel , country , swing , Celtic and folk — there is always something you and your friends can vibe to .
Greater Cleburne Carnegie Players inside Cleburne Conference Center Richard “ Dick ” Helmcamp Community Theatre 1501 W Henderson St . 682-285-2690
The Greater Cleburne Carnegie Players have been “ bringing Broadway to Cleburne ” for over 40 years . This community theatre presents four shows a year , with musicals and comedy shows sure to delight performing at the Richard “ Dick ” Helmcamp Community Theatre inside the Cleburne Conference Center .
Live music and dancing
There are several breweries , wineries and restaurants that offer live music on different days . Every Wednesday , the Wild Break Brewing Co . has live bands . Soul Fire Brewery , The Break Room Brewing Company and other restaurants feature live music throughout the weekend .
If you want to put on your dancing boots , visit Hill Top Barn or Chance ’ s Dance Hall to dance to live music .
Cinemark Cleburne Cinema 6 1643 W . Henderson St ., Suite C 817-556-2901
Cleburne ’ s only movie theater , Cinemark offers six theaters of shows , with times starting as early as 11:30 a . m . throughout the day until late night . Be sure to sign up for the free Cinemark Movie Rewards to collect points for each movie you see at the theater , among other things .