good GREAT
Saran K. Jones
Allowing God to Inspire Good
Becomes Great Teaching
Carrying out this huge task as a great teacher
is not an easy job; however, the things that
are difficult and sometimes seem impossible is
the perfect stage for the glory of God.
Isaiah 30:12 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left
your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is
the way; walk in it’.” Although these words were
spoken by the prophet to help Judah understand
the benefit of patiently following God, I choose to
apply this reassurance to the upcoming school year.
Every great teacher looks at the new school year as
an opportunity to right many of the wrongs of the
previous year. To accomplish this, the summer is
spent reflecting as we relax. Folks outside of the
profession, call us crazy because this time of the year
is also spent surfing the web and reading books in
search for ideas that will address some of the deficits
of the previous year.
It is my goal, through writing this article, to exude a
passionate desire to make this upcoming school year
the year where good teaching becomes great