Wherever You Go
By: Mary Pinckney
“So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations.”
This portion of scripture really stood out to me as I
read it today. Wherever you go could mean the
grocery store, next door to a neighbor’s house, the
bank, the mall, etc. For some it may mean missions’
trips. Jesus made it plain that wherever we go we
should take the good news of the Gospel with us. We
should be willing to share His love with those we
encounter on a daily basis.
Now the question is are you willing to step out of
your comfort zone to make disciples? Most of the
church goes into a panic state when the word
“evangelize” is mentioned. Normally a picture comes
to mind of passing out tracts and witnessing door to
door. But what about letting our lives be a witness?
What about paying for the person’s lunch in line after
you? What about meeting the needs of a single
mother that is struggling to feed her family? In each
of these situations it would break the fallow ground
of the hearts so that they will be receptive to the
Our lives should be a living testimony of Jesus.
People should see our good works and glorify our
Father in Heaven. As you go about your day to day
life, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and
reach out to those around you. He is not willing that
any should perish, but that all will come to eternal
Lord, so often we get busy with our day to day routine
and fail to see those right around us that need a
relationship with you. We often take for granted that
everyone knows you. Please give us your eyes so that
we may see their needs. Help us to be your hands and
feet to this dying world. We may not be able to change
nations alone, but wherever we go we can change one
heart at a time. In Jesus name Amen
He is not willing that any should
perish, but that all
will come to eternal life.
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