Alive After The Fall PDF / Book Alexander Cain Free Download Alive After The Fall Program | Page 7
everybody else is looking helpless waiting and hoping for the power to come
back on. You are already using the simple and surprising methods you
discovered to preserve your essential supplies for spoiling. You and your
loved ones will not be among those scavenging for scraps.
You head to the local store fast and hoard the 7 MUST-HAVE medicine
supplies that you can use to keep away 84% of the diseases that will run
rampant after the fall of Babylon. Now it's time to stock up fast before the
stores are looted and you will be there before the lawlessness starts. This
stockpile will be worth more than gold after the EMP.
You'll feel safer knowing you have protected essential electronics like
flashlights from the EMP using a Faraday Cage. This simple device will
shield your electronics from the EMP... This device is sold on the black
market for $600 but I will show you how to assemble one by using common
parts that you have in your house in just under 23 minutes.
By going through "Alive after the Fall" you already discovered the 5 vital
electronics that are crucial to have after the EMP strike. And they are all safe
inside the Faraday cage... There will be other survivalists and preppers out
there and restoring some basic communication and lighting are the first step
towards rebuilding a society
You feel privileged knowing you took all the steps your car still runs after the
EMP.. Even though the pulse fries car engine circuits. Having transportation
is a daily necessity right now and a vital part of surviving when society
breaks down.