Alive After The Fall PDF / Book Alexander Cain Free Download Alive After The Fall Program | Page 14

Alexander says he created the “Alive After The Fall” guide. Here’s a brief summary of what you can expect to find inside this guide: How to ensure the EMP doesn’t fry the circuits of your car engine. Different strategies you can use to protect your home from possible looters and criminals. The five most crucial electrical devices you should possessed after the EMP hits. In order to shield these five must-have electronics from the EMP, you’re also going to learn how to put together a Faraday Cage using basic parts in just twenty-three minutes. Information on seven medicine supplies you should have in your first aid kit in order to ward off most diseases that may be widespread during this “fall of Babylon” disaster. Little-known methods on how to prolong the shelf life of your food and medicine. How to look for and cook your food without using electricity or gas, and much more… It is also important to note that besides the Alive After The Fall book, Alexander Cain also provides his customers with two bonus reports at no additional cost: Special Report One: “Fallout: surviving the Next Nuclear Attack” As what the title hints, this focuses on how to survive a nuclear attack. You’ll know exactly what you should do right after a nucle