Alive 1 | Page 10

“When you are young, you feel immortal. There is nothing that can modify or destroy you.”

He started relating how things were after the rescue. Nando could not stop imaging how things would be if he was dead. Apparently, it was not too hard to picture it because things around the house seemed like he had passed away. Some of his clothes were given away

and there were less pictures of him around the house. Like just of all the survivors, Fernando does not believe he is some kind of a hero. But he is a mortal that did the impossible to survive.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures”

...and this is the Andes crash is the perfect situation to use this phrase. But even if the survivors would not have to had eaten their dead “friends”, the accident would have influenced them. Nando accepts that after the crash and the rescue. His personality changed significantly. Fernando started appreciating friendship... Because there, in the mountains that bond with other person could save your life. Also, nowadays he cherishes his family like they were a treasure. And they are, because he was so lucky to survive and to be surrounded by their love ones once again. Fernando Parrado considers himself as one of the luckiest men on Earth. For being alive and on the other hand, because he knew his destiny was to die on the mountains, but God changed his course to other direction.