alex | Amway Lifestyle and Experiences 2nd Issue Final 2nd Alex Magazine_high res | Page 4

alex #lifepegs 1 electric youth! Meet the CEOs of tomorrow: The future of Amway looks so bright with these millennials leading the charge! 4 While it’s essentially a noun to refer to those who’ve reached adulthood in the 00s, the popular term “millennial” often comes off today as an adjective that’s almost derogatory. Admit it. It worms into our every conversation with peers, superiors, and even par- ents only to describe us as too enti- tled, too impatient, and too demand- ing—yet, it’s also implied that we don’t have the skills and the work ethic to back this ‘tude up. A quick search on Google News about millennials would lead us to rather passive-aggressive articles titled “When the manager is a millennial” or “Millennials, here’s how to stop comparing yourselves to oth- ers.” (Yes, these are actual articles on Forbes and The Financial Times!) In terms of building a career, we millen- nials are called out for ditching any kind of corporate system who would instead proceed to start our own biz. The reason? We are too tired follow- ing orders. We really want to be our own boss—ASAP. 5