Scope of Influence : Israel & Beyond
‘ This is David … and he is my son ’
Special highlights
Scope of Influence : Israel & Beyond
The child within
‘ This is David … and he is my son ’
• Aleh is Israel ’ s largest organization caring for severely disabled children with complex physical and cognitive complications who require support in all basic functions .
• Aleh meets all its children ’ s needs - offering residential , supportive , educational , therapeutic , rehabilitative , and social activities within a 24-hour medically safe environment .
• Aleh was chosen by the government of Israel to open pioneering Rehabilitative Hospital Wings for children requiring long-term complex medical care .
• Aleh offers a framework for life - from infancy through adulthood , including an elderly geriatric center .
• Aleh is at the forefront of adapting modern technology systems to create innovative developmental programs such as Virtual Reality , a Visual-Behavioral Assessment Program , and interactive websites to foster ongoing communication with family .
“ I was never sure what to answer when people asked me how many children we have . It seems simple enough , but unfortunately , in our case it wasn ’ t . You see , we have a five-year-old son who is severely disabled , both physically and mentally . And until Aleh came into our lives , we didn ’ t know how to relate to him , or care for him , or even love him .
Then we were introduced to Aleh . Aleh is more than a rehabilitation center ; it is a home - a supportive , caring and warm home , whose mission is to provide multi-handicapped children with a real quality of life . At Aleh , the children live twenty-four hours a day under the medical supervision and loving care of a professional and highly qualified staff . There our son receives the tools and activities that he needs to develop and grow .
• Aleh emphasizes family integrative activities , volunteer programs , and community inclusion . Its new Aleh C . A . R . E . S . educational complex seeks to mainstream special-needs children following an intensive early-childhood therapeutic program .
• Aleh has played a significant role in changing common attitudes toward the disabled by raising public awareness through lobbying efforts and community integration . The groundbreaking Aleh Negev village is a leading international model that is setting new benchmarks in the care of the disabled .
When David first came to Aleh he was so withdrawn that no one could touch him or make eye contact with him . We had no idea how to make him feel safe or show him that we loved him . Within a few months , David had begun to raise his head and look straight at the person talking to him . Now he smiles constantly and loves to be held and cuddled . His siblings are not scared of him anymore and have started asking to visit so that they can play together .
This is what I came away with : it is hard to say that these special people are just like the rest of us . Their lives are much more difficult , they deal with many more physical obstacles . Yet despite that , they have taught me so many things : to appreciate all I have , the meaning of true acceptance and , most importantly - how to offer unconditional love . I feel that I have become a truly integral part of the Aleh family .
- Scott A . - Aleh volunteer
Although David may never walk or talk , Aleh stimulates his senses , his mind and his emotions . Thanks to Aleh , David has been to the ocean and the zoo . He does daily projects with paint , clay , music and lights to expose him to various sights , sounds and experiences . He is learning to choose the foods he wishes to eat through a special computer program and a custom-designed device he is able to control .
Through giving David to Aleh , Aleh has given us our David . I am the proud mother of three beautiful children - Aleh has shown me that .”