ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 2

Dear friends , We are very happy to present you with this report , highlighting ALEH ’ s accomplishments during 2016 . This was a year of many honors and recognition for ALEH . They came in the form of an Israel Prize , an Honorary Doctorate , a visit by the Prime Minister , activities carried out in partnership with the IDF and the Israeli police , and recognition of ALEH ’ s expertise abroad . All of these are important not only on the personal level , but also in terms of raising awareness of ALEH ’ s work both within and beyond Israel . This awareness directly benefits our residents by creating new partnerships on their behalf ; furthermore , it creates a more just and accepting society overall , a society in which those who have disabilities are equal members . ALEH is proud to be on the forefront of advocating for inclusion and accessibility for all those with disabilities . A major new project that has been one of our main focuses this year is the rehabilitation hospital to be built at ALEH Negev-Nahalat Eran . The hospital will be a response to the complete lack of inpatient rehabilitation facilities for residents of the Negev , forcing them and their families to travel to the center of the country if there is a bed available there . The new hospital will serve all residents of the Negev , as well as soldiers serving in the area . Other key accomplishments this year include the opening of a new school wing , a medical clinic , and in the coming weeks , a hydrotherapy pool . All of these new frameworks will enable hundreds of additional individuals to receive the quality care and treatment they require to live full , satisfying lives . All of our accomplishments are possible only through the generosity and partnership of our friends and donors . We are so very grateful to all of you who share our vision and support our mission , and we hope you feel a great sense of pride while reading this report , knowing that you have enabled all of

01 it . We thank you on behalf of the entire ALEH family – staff , volunteers and residents . The smiles that you will see here , begin with you .

Doron Almog , Major General ( Res .)
Yehuda Marmorstein Chairman , ALEH Negev-Nahalat Eran Director General , ALEH