ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan 20190522REV | Page 33

A: Safety Considering where safety concerns exist and developing potential solutions to address these concerns is paramount. ALDOT’s Safety Operations Program, as a part of their database, regularly updates crash data. The data is available through an online dashboard called Advanced, dated 2013 through current. An example of the CARE crash data interface is shown at right with Houston County queried. It is recommended that regional TSMO engineers analyze current crash data each year to guide in project development. Example project recommendations may include; A.S.A.P. expansion, increased camera coverage, expanded TMC support, etc. B: Mobility B1: Congestion Mobility is directly correlated to congestion levels and is a key consideration for project development. It is recommended that the NPMRDS be utilized to identify corridors of regional significance that have a higher-than-average level of congestion. One year of data was pulled for all corridors from September 2017 to September 2018. The Massive Data Downloader Tool was used to generate reports that included Travel Time Index (TTI). An analysis of the data was completed to determine average relative congestion along each corridor. The following TTI thresholds based on research completed by the University of Alabama (Congestion Quantification Using the National Performance Management Research Data Set (Sisiopiku, Rostami-Hosuri, 2017)) were selected to reflect user perceptions of congestion and its impact on their travel times and are summarized as follows: • 1.10 < TTI < 1.50 moderate congestion • 1.50 < TTI < 2.00 significant congestion • TTI > 2.00 severe congestion These ranges of travel time indices were used to correlate to Low, Medium, and High congestion needs for both vehicular and freight congestion. B2: Freight Congestion Freight mobility is a significant consideration for the state’s economy and industry. Therefore, it is recommended that freight mobility be considered like the mobility analysis described above. 29