ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan 20190522REV | Page 25

Table 7: Conceptual ALDOT State TSMO Organization – Systems Department (Section B) Systems Department Functional Role Network Communications Data Hardware Software Responsibilities Support in development of quality products list (QPL) and special provisions for network equipment. Develop SOPs, standard configurations, and change practices. Lead development and implementation of Statewide Communications Plan. Support Regional technical needs. Liaison with IT for integration and security adherence. Manage data governance and guidance. Support performance measure objectives and data driven processes. Manage user groups and training resources. Ensure that TSMO hardware meets statewide specifications. Support procurement of new technology to ensure security and system requirements adherence. Collaborate with partners to understand software needs and support efficient integration. Identify where software consolidation can provide efficiency. Need Discipline Unmet (Other DOT) Information Technology Professional Unmet (Contractor) Statistician / Data Scientist Unmet (TSMO) Electrical Engineer Unmet (Other DOT) Computer Scientist Table 8: Conceptual ALDOT State TSMO Organization – Emerging Technologies Department (Section B) Emerging Technologies Department Functional Role Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Specialist Infrastructure Impacts Specialist Responsibilities Technical specialist. Stay abreast of national practices and advances. Liaison to elected officials to support CAV deployment. Develop CAV policies and standards on a statewide level. Evaluate impacts and benefits of TSMO Program deployments and initiatives. Support to Regional partners for evaluation. Need Discipline Unmet (TSMO) Civil / Traffic Engineer or Other Unmet (Contractor) Data Scientist Refinement of Regional TSMO Organizations – Senior Leadership (C1) Beyond definition and refinement of a statewide TSMO organization, the ALDOT Regional TSMO organizational structure should also be refined to support the goals and objectives of the Statewide TSMO Program. This refinement will provide a consistent organizational framework for TSMO regional departments to enable peer-to-peer collaboration between regions for the benefit of statewide operations. In addition, it will ensure that regional TSMO organizations have the right blend of staff focus areas to manage and maintain successful TSMO operations. 21