ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan 20190522REV | Page 22

defined (as applicable) to further support section and department goals and objectives. For instance, the TSMO Program Planning Supervisor is envisioned to be supported by data collection and data analysis functional roles. This may be a single staff position or multiple depending on the departments need and staff allocations. It should be noted that recognizing limited funding availability within ALDOT, some of these roles may not be staffed as ALDOT employees and may instead be contracted to specialty consultants or services. The following tables provide a list of functional roles and associated responsibilities as well as an indication if the role is currently being served. In addition, the anticipated resource discipline most likely to serve this role has been indicated. It is anticipated that there are other disciplines or skill sets that can meet the needs of the role, however, the most common discipline has been provided. Table 4: Conceptual ALDOT State TSMO Organization – Program Department (Section B) Program Department Functional Role Responsibilities Resource Discipline TSMO Program Planning Supervisor Lead development and updates of Statewide TSMO Program: Capability Maturity Model Assessments Goals and objectives Performance objectives Project priorities based on historical and current data Met (TSMO) Civil Engineer or Planner Data Collection Manage and coordinate existing data collection platforms and strategies. Unmet (Other DOT) Data Scientist Unmet (Other DOT) Data Scientist Met (Other DOT) Civil / Traffic Engineer Met (Other DOT) Civil / Traffic Engineer Data Analysis Safety Supervisor Safety Analyze and interpret performance measures data. Provide data in a usable format to support data driven decisions. Define Statewide TSMO Program safety goals and objectives. Lead support for safety planning, design, operations, systems, and emerging technology departments. Support data driven determination of safety project priorities. Analyze and interpret safety performance measures data. Define Statewide TSMO safety standards and best practices based on existing national standards and guidelines. Traffic Safety and Operations Liaison and support to Operations Department. Define and manage performance metrics for signalized intersections. Unmet (TSMO) Civil / Traffic Engineer Funding Supervisor Manage annual budget allocation and TSMO Programming resources. Unmet (TSMO) Contract and Procurement Specialist 18