Alcohol vs. Marijuana – Getting Straight To the Debate 1 | Page 6

Long-Term Effects Alcohol • Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver cirrhosis, neurological problems, and a few certain types of cancer • It an encourage overeating – however, one study has shown that women who drank moderately were able to maintain their weight and keep it off for a period of 12 years • There are some research that links frequent drinking to obesity; but experts seem to agree that moderation is not so bad Marijuana • Smoking marijuana may pose threats to the respiratory tract and can lead to inflamed air passage ways, bronchitis, and coughing due to tar • Although marijuana effects are still being studied, there is some evidence pointing to THC interfering with a developing brain • People who are predisposed to psychotic illnesses (such as schizophrenia) have a higher risk of developing the disorder after continuous marijuana consumption