The term " alcoholism " refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome , the most severe stage of a group of drinking problems which begins with binge drinking and alcohol abuse .
Types of Alcohol Problems
Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity , from mild and annoying to life-threatening . Although alcohol dependence ( alcoholism ) is the most severe stage , less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous .
Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol abuse becomes alcohol dependence when drinkers begin to experience a craving for alcohol , a loss of control of their drinking , withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking and an increased tolerance to alcohol so that they have to drink more to achieve the same effect .
Alcohol dependence is a chronic and often progressive disease that includes a strong need to drink despite repeated problems .
Alcohol withdrawal refers to a group of symptoms that may occur from suddenly stopping the use of alcohol after chronic or prolonged ingestion .
Not everyone who stops drinking experiences withdrawal symptoms , but most people who have been drinking for a long period of time , or drinking frequently , or drink heavily when they do drink , will experience some form of withdrawal symptoms if they stop drinking suddenly .