Albert Lea Seed House 2018 Cover Crop Seed Guide | Página 14

Winter Triticale & Winter Wheat Winter Triticale Winter Triticale is a cross between winter wheat and winter rye that combines the high yield potential, grain quality, and disease resistance of winter wheat with the winter hardiness and low fertility requirements of winter rye. Provides the best forage quality of all the winter grains. Cut before heading for best forage quality. Best Use: Forage, Cover Crop, Grain Planting Date: September 1st – October 15th Adaptations: All soil types Requirements: Triticale is often less winter hardy than winter rye. Plant early for best overwintering potential. Seeding: 100 lbs/acre [forage, grain] Winter Wheat Best Practices NE426GT • Drill 100 – 140 lbs/acre. Seed about 1-2 inches deep. • Optimum planting dates for southern MN are September 10 - September 30. • Avoid planting winter wheat on corn ground or wheat stubble. • Work the soil as black as possible when following sweet corn or corn silage to reduce the likelihood of Scab (Fusarium Head Blight). • Planting past the optimum seeding date increases the risk of winter kill and can reduce grain yield. • Seeding too early can result in excessive growth in the fall making plants more vulnerable to winter kill and creates a green bridge for a number of winter wheat pests. • Watch chemical rotation restrictions. • Winter Wheat in rotation gives you an excellent window for seeding cover crops after the crop comes off in late summer. • Good dual-purpose variety for forage or grain • High grain yields, low ergot (110 bu/acre in Arlington, WI by our seed grower!) • Medium maturity, moderate straw strength • Good grain quality for feed 1-9 bags 10-39 40-199 200+ bags bags bags Conventional $17.50 $15.50 $15.00 $14.50 Organic $21.50 $19.50 $19.00 $18.50 Price/bag Fridge • Awnless forage triticale with excellent quality • Tall growing with vigorous early growth and development • Strong straw strength • Cut or chop before heading (boot stage) for best quality 1-9 bags 10-39 40-199 200+ bags bags bags Conventional $17.50 $15.50 $15.00 $14.50 Organic $21.50 $19.50 $19.00 $18.50 Price/bag Go to for complete Winter Wheat Best Practices. Winter Wheat (call for pricing) Variety AC Emerson Organic Certified Expedition Organic Certified Conv. Certified SY Wolf Conv. Certified LCS3204 Organic Certified LCS3334 Organic Certified Features Rust Resistance Avg. Test Fusarium Height Winter Protein Head Type Maturity Lodging Yields Weight (in) Hardiness Percent Leaf Stem Stripe Blight Bu/Ac Lbs/Bu Very late heading variety, medium height Excellent test weight and baking/milling quality Resistant to FHB (scab) in Canada, but less resistance in Dakotas & Nebraska Resistant to stem rust & stripe rust Hard Red Late 33 1 E 58.3 57 13.9 MS R MR MR Standard for yield, winter hardiness, and test weight Good baking and excellent milling quality Early maturing, medium height, good standability Hard Red Early 34 4 E 68.8 56.7 13.3 MS R S MS Top yielder with excellent agronomics Semi-dwarf height, excellent standability Widely adapted to different field & management types Hard Red Medium 32 1 VG 80.5 56.9 Avg. MR R MR MS Outstanding top end yield and test weight Medium maturity, tall, excellent standability Excpetional resistance to most diseases including scab Widely adpated across the Northern US Soft Red Medium 39 1 E E E ID MS ID R MR Very high test weight and yield potential Medium to early maturity – good standing Excellent tolerance to current chains