Alaska's Angling Addiction - Kenai River Fishing Guides 2014 2014 Kenai River Fishing Guide | Page 19

Stats The Sockeye Salmon are a major part of the draw for most anglers coming to the Kenai. Starting on June 11th anglers can target Sockeye Salmon in the Kenai’s waters. There are two distinct runs of Sockeye Salmon on the Kenai River. The first run is the smaller of the two, both in size and in numbers. First run fish head almost exclusively to the Russian River. This run is shorter than the one in July, but fish can be targeted in the “refuge” section of the river and also as a hike-in into the Russian River itself. The first run fish are generally 8-12 pounds, and like all Sockeye, are great fighters. The second run of Sockeye Salmon start their big push around July 16th. Historically over the last 10 years this date has been the constant, with major pushes either starting 1-2 days before or after the 16th of July. Anglers that are fortunate enough to be here during one of these major pushes are in for an experience like none other. These large pushes last generally for a few days, after which the runs stabilizes and holds steady through the remainder of July and into early August. The Sockeye are in our opinion the best eating fish available in Alaska. The deep red meat and sweet taste is great for the grill and smoking. If you are looking to fill your freezers with salmon, mid-late July is the time to do it. The large numbers of fish also brings large numbers of anglers, so be prepared to see other anglers throughout the river. We will do our best to have a space to ourselves and be as far from a crowded spot as possible. PEAK DATES: JULY 16 - Aug 5 SOCKEYE (720) 961-3599 [email protected] | 19|