Alaska CHARR - The Magazine July/August July/August 2021 | Page 28


Regulator ’ s Corner

The Alcoholic Beverage Control ( ABC ) Board held its first in-person meeting in Fairbanks this week . Alaska CHARR President & CEO , Sarah Oates , provided vital testimony that was instrumental in the ABC Board ’ s three key actions this week :

The Board voted 4-1 to extend approvals through December 31 , 2021 , for existing Form AB-15 : Temporary Licensed Premises Extensions . They also agreed to allow other businesses to continue submitting applications for premises extension approval through that time .
The Board voted unanimously to open a regulations project to con sider , among other things , streamlining processes for amending licensed premises which are currently lengthy and cumbersome .
The Board voted unanimously to again waive fees associated with any Form AB-29 : Waiver of Minimum Operating Requirements , submitted by those businesses that were unable to operate for 240 hours in 2021 due to the pandemic . Those waivers will not count against the three maximum that are normally permitted by the Board .
The next ABC Board meeting will take place on August 17 in Nome . Applications must be deemed complete by AMCO staff by July 30 in order to be considered on that agenda .