Alan Svejk Public Relations Prepare For The Future She Said by Alan Svejk 16 | Page 2
Note: This is the work of fiction. No depicted persons, events or operations actually existed, exist or will exist. It is just an
artistic creation, the expansion of my book "Svejk 2: The Army Elite" by Alan Svejk.
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"Prepare for the Future," She Said by Alan Svejk
Women are the best assets for the upcoming age of Unconventional Warfare, and this series
will clearly show you, why.
To fully understand the events, you should know my previous articles: "The Diary of Denisa: Female Military Elite" and following "We Will Fulfill All Your Dreams". In Part 1,
Denisa was introduced, an elite female operative of Military Counterintelligence. In Part 2, it
was revealed, that the biggest PSYOP (Psychological Operation) in the history of
mankind was planned. Now, the events move forward, and fast!
Working on this unique project, I am persuaded myself more and more, how women could
help to achieve the world peace and stability. It was enough of suffering in the past. Things
should be done the other way. If women of the world connected, they could negotiate the
everlasting peace.
But it is still an Information Warfare out there today, and women operators also enter it,
in large, with their special capabilities, able to achieve victories men couldn´t even dream of.
So, read about the way women fight!
I have to remind, that this is the work of fiction, an artistic creation. The depicted persons,
events and operations are fictious.
--The "Arena", large multi-functional hall for concerts and sport events with the vast capacity
of thousand seats, was really radiant and lively. It was just before eight in the evening, and all
places were taken already. There was a lot of noise between seats, and everybody was full of
The podium in front was still empty. There was just a very large TV screen, where a
screensaver of the Corporation was running, and a small table, but empty.
Then, Karolina entered the stage with enthusiastic smile, wearing gala dress from Dior. She
was simply beautiful! She literally danced in front of the crowd! Her shining smile attracted
everybody, so first massive wave of applause started.
Page 2 "Prepare for the Future," She Said by Alan Svejk