Alan Svejk Public Relations Diary Denisa Female Military Elite Alan Svejk 14 | Page 4
But there is a serious complication for Denisa. In that previous business operation, a criminal
group attempted to stop her. She managed to disrupt their plan, and three of original five
culprits were jailed. But the last two, a man and woman, highly determined, they seek ultimate revenge to Denisa.
So they use the new conditions and opportunities to their advantage. They offer a cooperation
to the opposite side, to hunt down fragmented paramilitary elements in the rear of the enemy.
They will receive this permission and they are authorized to use any means necessary: in ther
words, all their actions will be excused by the new jurisdiction. And they decide to fully enjoy this ultimate power, in large.
Now, Denisa is deep behind enemy lines, and as a target of a dangerous adversaries, who
were able to access her personal file in the Military Counterintelligence headquarters, using
fake security IDs and all that commotion and confusion.
"How long can she last and carry out her orders successfully?"
Read in my upcoming novel: "The Diary of Denisa". You can subscribe to the newsletter
on my website, so you can be informed about progress. This work will be translated into English completely!
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Page 4 The Diaries of Denisa by Alan Svejk