Alae Mercurii Volume 10 Winter Edition | Page 21

question correct made the long day worth it. Cinodose Yelma, or more commonly known as ‘Cino’, is a fifth grader at Path Academy. He proudly states that “my favorite god is Hermes!” right before he records a scripted radio station interview with the god of thieves and travelers himself. You could imagine his overwhelming enthusiasm when he found out he could play the role of his favorite god.

In the fall, Marist JCL put on a reenactment of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which brought the entire campus into a Latin fever, even if they took French or German. Not long before that was the Readathon, where the all 12 books of the Aeneid were read none stop for the entire day in order to raise money for the Mythopaloosa, our previously mentioned service project. Not to forget the riveting experience of Saturnalia, where the reawakening of the titan Saturn was reenacted in a live performance in front of candle bearing JCLers. Now, Marist JCL and Marist Latin Honor Society is partnering to help get ready for state…after all, there are speeches to memorize and small models to design. Not to mention studying for all those Academic tests! Marist JCL is ready to challenge GJCL State Convention 2016!


Lucas Kuan

The time had come. The annual Rock Paper Scissors tournament had arrived and the only thing higher than the nerves of the contestants were the stakes. The winner would win the ultimate prize: bragging rights. Winning, however, would not be easy. Sixteen people would enter the competition, but only one could be the winner. The rules were simple, outlined for us by our club president, Frank Burrows. The two opponents would sit across from each other. They would each throw their hands three times while chanting the age old chant of “rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” Then, on the final call, both parties would compare their signs, and whoever was the victor went forward to claim glory while the loser would be relegated to the annals of history.

“Allen Zhang and Bryan Zhang!” shouted Frank. The first two warriors were called to battle. A nervous hush fell across the room.

“You may begin!” The battle commenced. The wits of each fighter raged against the other. A rock was thrown only to be faced with another rock, then a paper versus a paper. However, soon, blood was drawn. The rock of Allen crushed the weak scissors of Bryan. Immediately the room was filled with a hubbub. Would Allen win this round? No! For Bryan quickly retaliated with a paper of his own to wrap the sorry rock of Allen. It was all tied up. “Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!” Another round and this time Bryan came out on top. Bryan took a breather. He was confident, but over confidence is what killed the son of Daedalus. Another round, and this time Allen was victorious. The first round was shaping up to be a real nail-biter. This was it: one last round. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” Bryan tossed a rock out. And Allen? He threw a scissor! Bryan won the first round. However, things were far from done.

The rest of the matches happened with many upsets. Freshmen were topping Seniors, Sophomores beating Juniors. It came down to the last two: Akshat and Lok. Sophomore against Freshman. Family versus Family. Student against Student. Man against Man.

Boom! It was over before we even knew it. The Freshman had beat Akshat in quick succession. 3-1 was the final score.