Alabama Genomic Health Initiative Annual Report Annual Report-AGHI FINAL | Page 6
Oversight Committee
The AGHI is one of the nation’s first statewide efforts to harness the power of genomic analysis
in helping identify those who are at risk for diseases because of genetic abnormalities and to
drive continuing research into genetic contributors to health and disease.
UAB is grateful for a longstanding history of support from the Alabama Legislature. The AGHI
is honored to be able to benefit the citizens of our state by providing the opportunity to be
involved in precision medicine
Mitchell B. Cohen, MD
Chair of UAB Department
of Pediatrics
*Upon Dr. Partridge’s retirement in
July 2017, Dr. Cohen stepped into this
role on the oversight committee.
Alabama is fortunate to have two nationally recognized institutions that are leaders in genomic
medicine. Combining the expertise of UAB – an internationally renowned research university
and academic medical center – with that of HudsonAlpha, a leading U.S. genomic center,
enhances our capability to transform how we practice medicine.
Edward Partridge, MD
Director of UAB
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Rick Myers, PhD
President and Science Director
at HudsonAlpha Institute
for Biotechnology
Additional leaders in the UAB School of Medicine on the Oversight Committee
All AGHI activities, policies, and procedures are carried out under the highest ethical standards
to protect participant privacy, autonomy, confidentiality, and equity. The AGHI Oversight
Committee ensures that maximum value is provided to participants, the research community,
and the state of Alabama. Additionally, AGHI has five working groups made up of experts
leading defined areas of responsibility, including bioethics, biobanking and bioinformatics,
education, genomics, and participant and provider engagement.
Etty Benveniste, PhD Senior
Associate Dean for
Research Administration
and Development
Bruce R. Korf, MD, PhD
Chief Genomics Officer
of UAB Medicine
Alabama Genomic Health Initiative Annual Report
Toni Leeth, MPH
Associate Dean for Strategic
Planning and Administration
Principal Investigators
The AGHI regularly seeks diverse voices and perspectives through community engagement
efforts including town hall meetings, key informant interviews and facilitated deliberative
process groups. Feedback from enrolled participants, community leaders, health care
providers and business leaders is used to improve ongoing efforts to maintain the highest
ethical approach to recruitment, enrollment, education, and return of results.
Robert Kimberly, MD
Senior Associate Dean
for Clinical and
Translational Research
Greg Barsh, MD, PhD
Faculty Investigator and
Chair of HudsonAlpha Institute
for Biotechnology
Matthew Might, PhD
Director of UAB Hugh Kaul
Precision Medicine Institute