B . B . P . Hosmillo
Look at the vast sky as mathematics so you can predict a solution .
Tell me you didn ’ t depend on predictions when you forgot which bus number
would likely bring you from Kentridge to your destination in the East coast , what parachute avails in a sandcastle above bedrock
B . B . P . Hosmillo
Think of a rook without gravity . That is my horoscope today .
Can you estimate the slight margin between a house and the earth ’ s mantle also when we both know time forgives not a single delay
so sympathy is free for an abandoned child at 6 PM that mutters :
‘ this could be my way out to my mother .’ But now I have wings . Yes .
I can ’ t fly , but look at me .
My eyes can travel as far as the edge of your seat from which the former is separated , now aloft ? wherever you are . Gazes are predictions .
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