another , that part I do remember .
Let ’ s see . I was sitting next to a Jollibee that day ; I think it was the one that used to be the one near the LRT . What station was that again ?
Gilmore ? I offered .
Ah yeah , that one . Read up on me did you ? Anyway , you probably know the rest . A meteor fell out of the sky and crashed right the f * ck where I was sitting . I didn ’ t know if there was an explosion or not but when I woke up the destruction was terrible . Black smoke everywhere , I couldn ’ t breathe . Everything was shaking . But the screams – those were the worst . High pitched sounds garbled through the air , and it never stopped . I moved away as fast as I could to get away from them . There was a woman , got crushed under some debris , she wasn ’ t dead yet but she turned her head and looked at me , her eyes lolling around as if she wasn ’ t really there anymore . Still makes me shiver , then I slipped and hit my head on a rock . Very heroic . awake and went over . She asked if I was dizzy or felt any pain , I said ‘ no ’. She took one sweeping look at me , helped me up , and pushed me out the door . Did I mention I was still bleeding from my f * cking head ? Healthcare in this country , I swear . He threw his hands up .
He wiped his face with both hands as if he was really tired and rubbed his temples with his knuckles for a bit . Anyway , you probably already know . A week later I made my spectacular debut . A window washers ’… what do you call those things they ride on ? Well whatever , one of those things broke and he started falling . Then from out of nowhere – whoosh – he mimed with his hand , cutting through the air there was a blur and the good citizen was being brought safely down by Manila ’ s newest superhero . Captain ... Flight . He laid back into his chair , closing his eyes and letting his arms hang off the sides .
You sound disappointed , with the name , specifically . I said .
I woke up and I was lying on a blanket on the hospital floor . I wasn ’ t the only one ; all the beds were occupied and more victims from the crash were still coming . A nurse noticed I was
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