Al Ghadeer Magazine Issue 1, Fall 2018 | Page 42

P alestinian heritage and history have often been buried or hidden by the experiences of upheaval, uprooting, and even looting and theft that occurred throughout the occupation. The Birzeit University Palestine Archive Project promises to remedy that by proposing a creative, critical engagement with Palestine’s history and culture and their role in preserving and shaping Palestine’s national identity. The project inspires communication and cultural connection across Palestine’s fragmented geographical and historical reality. What was once just a concept for preserving Palestinian history, identity and culture, has blossomed at the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies at Birzeit University. Today, Birzeit University’s Palestinian Archive Project provides a reliable archive dedicated to documenting the lives of Palestinians over the past century, from Ottoman times until today. The project is an essential resource for the history, politics, and culture of Palestinians, wherever they have resided. More than 25,000 documents are available on the open 40 Al Ghadeer - Fall 2018 access website – and around 50,000 are ready for publishing once the website is updated – including family papers, oral history accounts and newspapers since 1909. There are also old post cards and documents from the Arab National Committee since 1949, and a number of Ottoman documents translated to Arabic. A team of historians and researchers curate the collection at the institute. Addressing the Palestinian public’s feeling that its existence is threatened, the Palestinian Archive Project rejects the commodification of memory and presents Palestine’s history visually, gathering the threads of Palestine’s past and present, and shaping its future. This archive has a direct role in the formation and preservation of our national identity and prioritizes public access to its roots. Birzeit University, through this project, seeks to prevent the loss of Palestine’s history, culture and identity, but it also aims to strengthen the multiplicity of Palestinian narratives that are so often dismissed or marginalized in their re-telling by international academics and journalists. Palestinian Archive Project Unearths a Buried National History Renderings of Ethnically- Cleansed Palestine Record, Redeem Loss By 1949, a year after the Palestinian catastrophe (the dispossession of the “Nakba”) and the establishment of the so-called State of Israel was established, only 13.5 percent of Palestine’s land was under formal Jewish ownership, either by private individuals or by the state. To create the State of Israel, cities such as Lydda were ethnically cleansed and/or became segregated cities, and around 530 villages were destroyed. Over the past year, Birzeit University Museum has organized and hosted exhibitions that shine a light on- Lydda and the destroyed village Kafr Qasim, trying to reflect on the nature and difficulty of remembering and exploring truths in history, politics, culture, art, and everyday life in general. Remembering Lydda Local and international artists grouped together to examine the controversies and analogies dealing with the imported British colonial planning paradigm and what that entails from post- industrial spatial forms and ethos, the transformation of Lydda to an ethnically-cleansed and segregated city, Lod to the benefit of Jewish immigrants. The Birzeit University Museum inaugurated, in October 2018, the Sixth Cities Exhibition “Lydda- a Garden Disremembered,” in collaboration with the A.M. Qattan Foundation under the Fourth Qalandia International. “I cannot myself go to Lydda,” said Yazid Anani, one of the exhibition’s curators and the Director of the Public Program at the A.M Qattan Foundation. The restrictions on movement imposed by Israeli authorities are the primary reason for choosing Lydda. International artists, and artists from Jerusalem, according to Anani, are those allowed to physically travel to Lydda to explore the themes of the exhibitions, while others learn about the city through talks and oral narratives. Documentary drawing of the Kafr Qasem Massacre - by Samia Halaby Why “A Garden Disremembered?” In the 1940s, before the Nakba, Lydda was planned as a garden city to host British colonizers. The city was planned to be ethnically segregated, a forerunner of the current segregation between Palestinians and Israelis. The city was planned during the British Mandate by Clifford Holliday and Otto Polcheck and was intended to host only the British; the style of planning, however, had an Orientalist gaze and preserved the area’s underdeveloped biblical landscape in areas where the local population lived. The modern planning offered a strategic train junction that connected North Africa with Birzeit University 41