Al Ghadeer Magazine Issue 1, Fall 2018 | Page 30

4 28 A Prosthetic Arm: An Arm Controlled via Signs Sent From Muscles The idea for the project came from Sajdyeh’s own need for a relatively- inexpensive prosthetic arm after a bomb left by Israeli soldiers in Qalandiya amputated his right hand in November 2014 Al Ghadeer - Fall 2018 A team of Birzeit University engineering students recently won the Gold Award at the 10 th International Invention of Exhibitions and the 3 rd World Invention and Innovation Forum (IEI & WIIF 2018), held in Foshan, China, for their invention of a prosthetic arm. The team, made up of Ahmad Al- Bisher, Ahmad Sajdyeh, Mahmoud Ashour, and Nasir Dalash and supervised by Professor of Mechanical Engineering Sameh Abu Awad, created an artificial arm that can be controlled via signals sent from the muscles, allowing amputees or people with disabilities to manipulate everyday items with ease. The idea for the project came from Sajdyeh’s own need for a relatively- inexpensive prosthetic arm after a bomb left by Israeli soldiers in Qalandiya severed his right hand in November 2014. Sajdyeh contacted several international prosthetics companies in hopes of regaining mobility and dexterity, but the solutions they offered were extremely expensive. He also approached Palestinian charities and associations that help amputees travel abroad for prosthetic implants, but they also couldn’t help him. Despite the odds stacked against him, Sajdyeh didn’t lose hope and decided to create a prosthetic arm himself with the help of his colleagues. Sponsored by the China Association of Inventors and the International Federation of Inventors’ Association, the International Invention of Exhibitions and the World Invention and Innovation Forum present the world’s latest inventions, achievements, and services. The events include a professional committee of judges who appraise the inventions and grant Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Special awards. 5 Modern Technology Meets Traditional Agriculture: The Automatic Tray Seeding Machine A team of engineering students designed and built a machine that mixes soil with perlite to produce potting mix, fills it into pre-fabricated seed trays, inserts the seeds, and packages the trays neatly for shipping – all automatically at the push of a button. The project team- Tariq Shawahni, Osama Al-Baransi, Rand Musaffer, Malik Nawabeet, Mohammad Kawazbi, Ameen Allan, and Yousef Al Shayeb- were recognized with numerous local and international awards. “We created a machine that rivaled $100,000 Italian tray seeding machines out of parts that were available locally,” explained Shawahni. “Because of the shortage of materials, we had to improvise. For example, we fabricated the vacuum that takes the seeds from the container and deposits them in the seed trays ourselves. We precisely machined the outer layer out of aluminum and the inner layer out of plastic in such a fashion that the space between them is measured in micrometers.” Every single part of the machine, apart from the servomotors and the programming of the control systems, was created and installed by the team. This included the blades that mix the soil- (which were actually steel rods that the team bent into shape), the pressing rolls, fabricated out of plastic, instead of the more expensive 3D-printed alternative, and the conveyor belt, the original of which kept snapping the steel rods used to install it into place. “The project is sustainable and has the potential to help the Palestinian agricultural sector immensely by innovatively integrating information technology into agricultural production,” noted Ali. “It will economically enable many farmers in an otherwise largely impoverished sector.” The team members are considering a number of options for producing and marketing the machine. One option could be leasing it, which would allow a farmer to rent the machine for a pre-defined amount of time. The team also considered creating a full production line of machines. That, noted Allan, could be expanded for export to the Middle Eastern and North African markets. Birzeit University 29