ACTIVATOR DARREN MCKOY Kings of the Kingdom Host
Pastor Darren McKoy , married to wife Leana Mckoy, is the first National Youth Director
of the Church of God in Jamaica and the first Youth Minister of the Highholborn Street
Church of God, the mother Church of the Church of God in Jamaica. He has performed
in dramatic productions across the island of Jamaica and is also a script writer himself
which has earned him silver medals at the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission
competitions. He is the author of a book entitled "Real Answers for Real People:
A philosophical and Theological perspective on real life issues" as well as a
Christian love novel entitled "None like You". He was also a freelance writer for Buzz
Magazine and have been contributing to articles in the daily gleaner in the area of
theology. Darren McKoy has been preaching and teaching the word of God and has
been doing motivational talks for the past 13 years at seminars, conventions and
Evangelistic meetings.
At AKTIV8 -Kings of the Kingdom Session Pastor Darren shared- “Husbands must understand
that they are designed to lead and that they take instructions from God. It is yielding to the
instructions from God....that you will become Good role models and kings to your wives.” A
controversial phrase used which sparked excitement was “Man where is your husband” after the
roar settled it was explained thus:-“ You must first as a single man understand who you are and
who you were designed to be. If you cannot do won't be able to make the transition
into understanding the role of a husband. So, you will always be wrestling with finding the
husband in you. if you do make that transition you also have to take that lesson that will be
learnt and bring it into fatherhood. All three beings have to co-exist into being a whole man and
a man that God intend and women desire.
ACTIVATOR JOAN PINKNEY Fit for the Fight Women’s Host
Joan Pinkney has been
an adjunct lecturer in
Psychology, Business
ethics, Conflict
management and
Counselling at several
tertiary institutions
including The University
of the West Indies - School of Nursing, the Jamaica Theological
Seminary, and the University College of the Caribbean. She is an
Associate Counsellor at The Counselling Centre 14 West Avenue,
Kingston 10, at her local Church, Kingston Open Bible, Washington
Boulevard and Family Life Ministries. Joan currently holds the
position of Manager - Licensing and Membership Services at The
Jamaican Copyright Licensing Agency. She is a writer and a noted resource person on several
local radio stations where she discusses issues of concern to the Jamaican society. She hosts the
programme “The Counsellor” aired on Love 101 FM and is the recurring guest on the
programme “The Morning Watch.” Among many committees and agencies, Joan serves as a
director of JAMPAS – The Jamaica Parent School and is the author of three Counselling CDs
which deal with: managing past hurts, self-esteem and sexuality.
Issue 1
Peta-Gay Kirby
Lighthouse Educational Ministries Jamaica