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The first segment of the program involved tributes, two singles by Peta-Gay Kirby “You
are the King’s Daughter” and “Activate” along with a mime to the poem “You
are a Princess and a Warrior”, found in the book You are the King’s
Daughter. View and subscribe here for updates [don’t be left out]
Sharing about the free e-book companion guide to You are the king’s Daughter called
AKTIV8- 8 Lessons on the reality of being the King’s Daughter in a modern
And a lesson on Activation -
Powerful Children in Prayer Host
Kathryn has been a Christian missionary living in Jamaica
since 1985 and has served with a Christian skills training
school in Chudleigh, Manchester, then in the Bethany circuit of
Moravian churches where her husband Rev. Ken Snider
pastured for 11 years. She has served various denominations in
Jamaica as a Sunday School teacher, a youth leader, a camp counsellor, a guest speaker, a
children’s evangelist, a teacher trainer and a conference organizer. She is known for using
engaging object lessons and prayer tools to minster to the next generation.
Kathryn is an executive board member of the Children in Prayer Coordinator for the National
Intercessory Prayer Network of Jamaica / Prayer Centre of the Caribbean. She is the Jamaica
and Caribbean representative for Children’s Global Prayer Movement, founded by Esther Ilnisky
of Esther Network International based in West Palm Beach Florida. Currently residing in
Kingston, Kathryn attends Oakridge United Prayer and Deliverance Ministries pastored by Rev.
Shirley Ann Chong.
“The ministry I am involved in is letting the children pray; not pushing them of into a room
where they can be entertained, but helping them to understand how powerful their prayers
are and that God hears them and answers them when they pray. At the AKTIV8 conference we
demonstrated visually to the children that God is looking for someone to stand in the gap. We
also looked at how the holy spirit helps us to show us who we need to pray for. We had 8
exciting prayer stations where the children used prayer tools which are really fun to pray with
and we prayed for the men in Jamaica, the children of the world. We prayed for babies and
small children and persecuted nations and then we had a time of listening to God’s voice. This
is where I am blown away by the level of revelation about what God is saying to our children.”
Issue 1
Peta-Gay Kirby
Lighthouse Educational Ministries Jamaica