AKTIV8 magazine AKTIV8 companion guide 2017 | Page 24

THE GAME PLAN Offense versus Defence Study 2 Samuel 22 about the Warrior position as a seed of David through Jesus Christ. In sports, the offense position is the first line of defence and their only role is to score goals. In a battle to fight offensively is to know the opponent and think ahead as you plan the attack while the defence is to wait for the attack to defend yourself. Got the picture as yet? Which side do you choose? Daughter, you can only operate in this authority and power when you are living right for the King, your Father. If there is iniquity in your heart, if your hands and heart are not clean then it affects the power and the authority that you have to be able to fight offensively. What do I mean? I mean that your confidence in talking to your Father will be shaken because you will feel you don’t have the right to anything He has to give you. It is like a child who did something wrong and then becomes afraid of asking his parent for a favour or a gift. The child now feels undeserving of it or that his parents are still mad at him. To get rid of this undeserved feeling you have to continually ensure you are living an obedient life and are always in tune with God. You are the King’s daughter, not a beggar. You are a winner not a loser. This introduction was to let you know that you have to have inner strength in order to bear up the armour of God. A life of obedience and an active way of thinking ahead of strategies against the systems and events that PETA-GAY KIRBY © 2017 24