AKTIV8 magazine AKTIV8 companion guide 2017 | Page 2

8 LESSONS ON BECOMING THE KING’S DAUGHTER IN THE MODERN WORLD Read, Review, make it Real - An 8 week lesson guide. (Companion guide for You are the King’s Daughter by Peta- Gay Kirby) ROAD TO REALITY The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning. You might be just 13, that’s a new chapter or you might be becoming a young adult, another milestone. As you begin a new chapter in your life, the scripture calls for you to put aside the past because now God will do something new. Embrace this message by faith in God who cannot lie and who is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Lord gave Isaiah, the prophet, a message of deliverance for the Jews that they would be saved from being held captive in Babylon. That message from times yesteryear is a message today for everyone. We were PETA-GAY KIRBY © 2017 2