Akram Youth Why Should I Suffer All The Time? | September 2015 | Page 10
Gnani's Scientific Solutions
uestioner: Dada, when someone
insults, it's difficult to tolerate!
Please advise what to do?
Dadashri: See this is how it works.
Suppose there is a thorn on the road and
many people walk on the path but none
are affected. But when Chandubhai walks
across, he gets pricked by the thorn and
injures himself. All these experiences,
sweet or bitter, exactly happen as per our
account. You should be happy that one
account of bitter experience is squared up
today. Same thing applies when you feel
sweet results. You don't like the bitter
taste ,Why? Tell someone to fight with
you, but he may refuse. All that happens
to us is what we have already accounted
for. It is only now that they are unfolding
what was rehearsed earlier. It's not a joke.
Everything that happens till our death, is
purely a form of discharge. Nobody has
power to alter it or that what is to follow.
Let's say someone will send 301 insults,
another say 25, and yet another say 10.
That will happen. If you remain in
awareness (Gnan) then there will be no
suffering. Sweet and bitter are both
relative in nature. Sometimes you may be
surprised to gain the best of experience
from someone who has all along been
giving you troubles! We all are in a kind of
trader-customer relationship.
If someone causes you pain or
suffering, just digest it and bless him. This
way your ego will come down and you will
gradually get liberated from this account.
It will also affect the other person and he
may soften his attitude. He may realize
10 | September 2015
you are strong enough to swallow bitter
Suppose we have to eat bitter
food, would we do it on our own? No. So
when someone offers it, we have to be
see it as a blessing. The one who serves us
food is called mother. So we should not
return, but swallow it. There is no escape.
We m u s t t e l l ' C h a n d u b h a i '
(yourself) that you will have to swallow
your pride and accept bitterness, as many
times as it comes. This way 'Chandubhai'
will become habituated. (Just like giving
medicine to a small child). He will at first
be uncomfortable, but when he realizes it
is beneficial for him to swallow it, it
doesn't trouble anymore. One must learn
the art of digesting 'bitter pills' along with
sweet moments. One must practice
enough because sooner or later, he has to
encounter bitterness.
Even I had lots of sufferings. But I
faced them gracefully and completed my
account. In fact, I blessed those who had
caused them. That's how the name
Mahadev (Shiv) has become synonymous
with us.