Gnani's Scientific Solutions
10 | June 2015
once you lose people's trust, you do not
have any value as a human being. If
someone lies to us, it hurts us, likewise if
we lie to others, won't it hurt them too?
Questioner: When we lie do we bind
Dadashri: Definitely! But more than
speaking lies it is the intent of wanting to
lie which binds more karmas. If someone
lies, it's fruit will be borne in the next life.
Questioner: Although not wanting to
speak lies, they tend to be spoken
Dadashri: If you happen to lie and you
realise it, then immediately ask for
forgiveness from Dada saying, 'Dada, I do
not want to lie. Please forgive me. I
will not lie henceforth.’ Thus our
opinion to lie perishes and so does the
demerit karmas that we have bound.
Yet if it occurs again keep asking for
forgiveness repeatedly so it will not
bind us.
Questioner: Why does a person lie?
Dadashri: A person lies out of fear. There
is an underlying fear of what someone
might say to him or else it is out of the
desire to obtain something. So, gradually
he gets into the habit of lying.
Consequently, it so happens that even in
the absence of fear he lies out of habit. If
you were sent to Borivali station saying,
“Go to Borivali and check if Dada has
arrived. Dada was to reach the station by
five o'clock,” You leave for Borivali but
you bump into a friend on the way and
start chatting with him. You return
(without going to Borivali) and say, “It
seems that Dada has not arrived.” But I
would have come for satsang which
everybody would know. Then people will
stop trusting you.
Questioner: What are the disadvantages
of lying?
Dadashri: People will lose trust in you and