Gnani with Youth Questioner : One can understand that the justification and the protection of faults , by way of speech , is ‘ upraanu ’ ( taking its side or being partial to the mistake ). Can it also be done by way of our thoughts ? Pujyashri : It is not so . It is still subtle in thought . When is it ‘ upraanu ’? When someone points out to you that you have spoiled something , and if you feel that it is true and that it is your mistake . Simultaneously , you also feel that her method is correct whereas yours was incorrect and indeed what she is doing is right and you feel that you should support her . Then , if at the same time your friend comes to you and says , “ Why aren ’ t you active this time ? Why have you passed on your work to someone else ” and you reply , “ No , no . She bullied me and snatched everything from me , otherwise I would have done it !” Then it is because your ego is enraged , you rushed to protect your ‘ position ’. She knows that it is wrong to deal with situations with anger . Yet , she gets angry