Akram Youth How did this happen? | October 2015 | Akram Youth | Page 8

Gnani's Scientific Solutions Q uestioner: Due to what reason does shortage of money happen? Dadashri: Due to theft. “Laxmiji's” bounty is present when one does not rob through thoughts , words or action. Obstruction of Laxmiji is due to robbing others. Cheating and Laxmiji don't go together. When materialistic robbing stops, one is born in a noble family. But in case of subtle form of theft, i.e, when one cheats and robs, through tricks or manipulation, this is “raudra dhyan” and it results in being born in the lowest realm. When you overstretch the fabric whilst measuring it for the customer, you are doing hard “raudra dhyan “You should not do trickery. “ This is pure stuff”, you say so and feel happy whilst handing over adulterated stuff. This is cheating. When you point out saying “how can you do such a thing”, he would reply “this is what everybody does”. But the one who believes in honest dealing, he should say: “My intention is to sell pure stuff, but this is what I have at present, so take it if you want”. If you admit this, then you are not at fault. Every day people commit “ art d hy an and “ raud ra d hy an” . Therefore, you will get meager wealth. Bhagwan has said that 'Flow of luxmi' will increase where there is “dharma 08 | October 2015 dhyan” and will decrease where there is “artdhyan” and “raudra dhyan”. You will obtain wealth only if you have that to your credit through, righteous deeds of the past birth. “Laxmi” is always there, but you have created your own hurdles so you remain less fulfilled. When you will nurture good intentions, you will gain true wealth. How can you hope to amass wealth with your immoral thoughts? I’ll-begotten 'Laxmi' will pinch you all over and will melt away causing & sufferings. Q uestioner: But today people are in need of money… Dadashri: Yes. But does that mean that they should resort to deceit and trickery? One should put in efforts, but )