Akram Youth How did this happen? | October 2015 | Akram Youth | Page 11

mankind, acts of charity, whatever little happiness you may have given to others, all these are credited as your good deeds account in the next birth, and as a result, you keep on getting wealth. Dadashri has revealed each principle of wealth: Even if you run after money, your share won’t be increased by even a single paisa. You will get only that much that lies to your credit as per past birth’s built up balance. Similarly, whatever unethical or dishonest dealings you will adopt, it will not get you one paisa more. On the other hand if you don’t bother about obtaining wealth, it’s level may not diminish. Against all these factors which way should people go? They should turn towards self-realization and seek the Pure Soul, how to break their worldly shackles and progress in religion and devote their time here. In that case they can get free from disturbing thoughts about moneymaking. Everybody must have experienced that nobody wishes to undergo loss in money matters and yet it happens. BY the same law you may still make profit if you don’t desire –and this is a fact! Dadashri has experienced and delivered these conclusions. Dadashri has thus revealed us the extract of the ‘gnan’ he had experienced in the subject. are more intelligent. Akram Youth | 11