Akram Youth Fear | June 2016 | Akram Youth | Page 7
As I was leaving home for my class, my aunt asked me, “As you are going out, can
you take this bag of grains for grinding?” I said I would. I wore my backpack on my
shoulders, and held the bag on the top of my head.
When I was walking through the lane in my neighborhood, an aunty passed a
comment, “Is this the new fashion?” I retaliated with anger, “What is your problem? I will
do whatever I feel like, why have you to say anything?”
Because I was already angry, I shouted at the students in the class. My mind kept
going back to thinking about what I would do or say to that aunty, and that I would go to
her house and tell her off! I was burning with anger, thinking of how she could insult me
like that!
Then, I read the issue of Akram Youth on anger (krodh). I Learned that, “To digest insult,
shows that one is more powerful”…. And so I did Pratikraman for the way I behaved with
the aunty. Also, for a beautiful “Akram Youth” magazine, you have my heartfelt thanks.
-Krishna Jetani, Bhavnagar.
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