Akram Youth Dream & Its Science!! | April 2016 | Akram Youth | Page 20
20 | April 2016
Bull: This dream indicates
that her son will be highly
religious and spiritual
teacher. He will help
cultivate religion.
Pair of garlands: This dream
indicates that the fragrance of
her son's teaching will spread
throughout the entire universe
and he will be respected by all.
14 Most Auspicious
The most auspicious dreams are
those experienced by the mothers
of the greatest people of the era.
There are 14 such dreams. It is said
that the mothers' of would-be
Tirthankar bhagwans witnessed
fourteen such auspicious dreams
and the mothers' of Vasudev
bhagwans witnessed seven such
Airavata:This dream indicates a child with exceptionally good
character. The four tusks signify that he will guide the spiritual
chariot with its four components: monks, nuns, laymen and
Lion: This dream indicates that her son will be as powerful and
strong as the lion. He will be fearless, almighty and capable of
ruling over the world.
Golden Vase: A Golden Vase filled with pure water indicates that
her son will be perfect in all virtues and will be full of compassion
for all living beings.
Heap of jewels: It’s a mixture of all types of gems and precious
stones. This dream indicates that her son will have infinite virtues
and wisdom and he would attain supreme spiritualism.
Lotus Lake: Thousands of lotuses floating on the lake indicate
that her son will be beyond worldly attachment. He will help
liberate human beings who were tangled in the cycle of birth,
death and misery.