Akram Youth Dream & Its Science!! | April 2016 | Akram Youth | Page 13
Swapna with
open eyes
pna stage', but with
pna stage there is
nd in Jagrut stage
ness. Jagrut stage is
open'! The 2 stages
dreams, because of
am Chandulal”.
wapna of 3 bodies)
Turiya Stage (Mahatma Stage)
Turiya is that stage which is beyond worldly
activities, so at this stage, he 'himself' is asleep
when the world is awake. That means that he
has no need for the things that the worldly
people desire. So he remains apathetic towards
worldly things. Awakening from sleep, and then
After reaching
awakening from dreaming with eyes open, this
stage of Turiya
is Turyavastha. 'Turiya' is the stage where the
stage, he will
person realizes that he is Pure Soul and not
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