EUROPE AJC ’ s offices in Berlin , Brussels , Paris , and Warsaw , and representatives in Budapest , Prague , Rome , and Sofia , promote cooperation among Europe , the U . S ., and Israel , and partner with local Jewish communities . |
ISRAEL / MIDDLE EAST With offices in Israel and the Arab Gulf , AJC works to reimagine the Middle East . AJC Jerusalem forges relationships with Israeli leaders and members of the diplomatic community . It also hosts all delegations visiting Israel through AJC Project Interchange . AJC ’ s office in Abu Dhabi strengthens ties between Israel and Arab nations and promotes understanding among Arabs and Jews . |
LATIN AMERICA AJC ’ s Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs ( BILLA ) develops and strengthens ties to Latin America and the U . S . Latino community . BILLA is headquartered in Washington , with staff in Miami and a representative in São Paulo . |
UNITED STATES AJC ’ s headquarters in New York and office in Washington conduct international diplomacy and engage the Administration and Congress . The advocacy and coalition-building carried out by AJC ’ s Regional Offices across the country reinforce these efforts . |