AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 6


Four Cups of Wine
The four cups of wine or grape juice , which one drinks at prescribed intervals during the Seder , toast divine redemption and are based on the four expressions of redemption reflected in the book of Exodus : “ I will bring you out ,” “ I will deliver you ,” “ I will redeem you ,” and “ I will take you as a nation .”
Wine is considered a royal drink , one that symbolizes freedom . It is the appropriate beverage for the night when we celebrate our freedom from Egyptian bondage .
The blessing of Kiddush over wine or grape juice sanctifies the holiday meal by focusing on God as the creator and redeemer of the universe . During the Seder , it is customary to drink four cups of wine .
We lift our cups to say the blessing over the first cup of wine .
. בָּרוּךְ‏ אַ‏ תָּ‏ ה יְהוָּה אֱ‏ לֹהֵ‏ ינוּ‏ מֶ‏ לֶ‏ ךְ‏ הָּ‏ עוֹלָּ‏ ם , בוֹרֵ‏ א פְ‏ רִ‏ י הַ‏ גֶפֶ‏ ן Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha ’ olam , bo ' re p ' ri hagafen .
Blessed are You , Lord , our God , Ruler of the universe , Who creates the fruit of the vine .