AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 3

About the Passover Seder

Eight days long , Passover begins with a “ Seder ” ( literally , “ order ”) on each of the first two nights of the holiday . More than just a meal , the Seder is the ritual recounting of the Israelites ’ exodus from ancient Egypt and a celebration of their freedom from slavery . You will notice that the Seder is filled with symbolism and instruction . For example , at specified moments during the Seder , participants recline to the left to eat and drink as an ancient symbol of freedom ; we drink four cups of wine or grape juice as a sign of liberation ; and ten drops of wine / juice are spilled symbolizing the ten plagues .
The Haggadah is the guidebook for the Seder . “ Haggadah ” actually means a story that is told , and it is through the Haggadah that Jews fulfill the commandment of remembering the Exodus from ancient Egypt and teaching the story to our children .

About the Seder Plate

The Seder plate , which is a central focus of the Seder table , contains six different foods : a shank bone , charoset , two kinds of bitter herbs , green vegetables , and an egg . Many of the foods incorporated into the Seder are used to convey educational messages .
The bitter herbs recall the suffering of the Israelites in bondage , and the matzah ( unleavened bread ) is symbolic of the Israelites ’ departure from Egypt ; in their haste , they did not have time to wait for their bread to rise .