AJC San Diego 2023 Year in Review | Page 5


Under the leadership of Naomi and Wayne Harris , AJC San Diego ’ s Education Committee works to ensure educational institutions protect students , staff , and faculty from antisemitism and harassment , and promote inclusive learning environments . This working committee is monitoring and responding to challenges in our schools and prioritizing connections with decision makers . We are continually interfacing at the highest levels of administration at School Districts and the San Diego County Office of Education . This year AJC sent curriculum influencers to Israel on an educator trip for firsthand experience . AJC San Diego has become a leading voice in the community around education and Sara Brown is a key member of both the SDSU Presidential Task Force on Antisemitism and Project CRESC ( California Regional Ethnic Studies Collaborative ) Advisory Board .
There is no more important mission than ensuring antisemitism and anti-Israel bias are not given a platform in our schools . We appreciate our active and engaged committee members who are on the frontlines of these efforts , advocating for our youth and combatting hatred on behalf of the next generation .