Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 77
APPENDIX A2: IPSC Recognition
Prior to the commencement of a match, the organizers must specify which Division(s) will be recognized.
Unless otherwise specified, IPSC sanctioned matches will recognize Divisions and Categories based on the number of
registered competitors who actually compete in the match, including competitors disqualified during the match (e.g. if a
Division at a Level III match has 10 competitors, but one or more are disqualified during the match, the Division will
continue to be recognized), based on the following criteria:
1. Divisions:
Level I & II ......................... A minimum of 5 competitors per Division (recommended).
Level III .............................. A minimum of 10 competitors per Division (mandatory).
Level IV & V ...................... A minimum of 20 competitors per Division (mandatory).
2. Categories:
Division status must be achieved before Categories are recognized.
All level matches ................ A minimum of 5 competitors per Division Category (see approved list below).
3. Individual Categories:
Categories approved for individual recognition by Division are as follows:
(a) Lady .............................. Competitors of the female gender.
(b) Junior............................. Competitors who are under the age of 21 on the first day of the match.
(c) Senior ............................ Competitors who are over the age of 50 on the first day of the match.
(d) Super Senior .................. Competitors who are over the age of 60 on the first day of the match. A Super Senior has
the option of electing to shoot in Senior Category, but not in both. If there are insufficient
competitors for Super Senior Category to be recognized, all competitors registered in this
Category will automatically be transferred to Senior Category.
4. Team Categories:
IPSC matches may recognize the following for team awards:
(a) Regional teams by Division.
(b) Regional teams by Division for Ladies Category.
(c) Regional teams by Division for Junior Category.
(d) Regional teams by Division for Senior Category.
IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition