Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 75
Projectile ............................. A plastic pellet of 6mm diameter.
Props ................................... Items, other than targets or fault lines, used in the creation, operation or decoration of a
Prototype ............................. A firearm in a configuration which is not in mass production and/or is not available to the
general public.
Region................................. A country or other geographical area, recognized by IPSC.
Regional Director................ The person, recognized by IPSC, who represents a Region.
Reloading ............................ Replenishment or the insertion of additional projectiles into a firearm.
Reshoot ............................... A competitor's subsequent attempt at a course of fire, authorized in advance by a Range
Officer or an Arbitration Committee.
Rigid Target / No-shoot ...... A target or no-shoot made of inflexible material that is impenetrable by projectiles (e.g.
metal, plastic, etc.).
Shooting position ................ The physical presentation of a person's body (e.g. standing, sitting, kneeling, prone).
Shot ..................................... A projectile which passes completely through the barrel of a firearm.
Should ................................. Optional but highly recommended.
Sight picture ........................ Aiming at a target without actually shooting at it.
Stance ................................. The physical presentation of a person's limbs (e.g. hands by the side, arms crossed etc.).
Start position ....................... The location, shooting position and stance prescribed by a COF prior to issuance of the
"Start signal" (see Rule 8.3.4).
Strong Hand ........................ The hand a person uses to initially grip a handgun when drawing it from a holster attached
to their belt (the weak hand is the other hand). Competitors with only one hand can use that
hand for both Strong and Weak Hand stages, subject to Rule 10.2.10.
Sweeping ............................ Pointing the muzzle of a firearm at any part of any person's body during a course of fire
when a handgun is held or touched while not securely holstered (see Rule 10.5.5).
Target(s).............................. A term that can include both scoring target(s) and no-shoot(s) unless a Rule (e.g. 4.1.3)
differentiates between them.
Tie-down rig ....................... A holster where the lo ݕȁ