Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 69
A shot which occurs during remedial action in the case of a malfunction.
A shot which occurs while transferring a handgun between hands.
A shot which occurs during movement, except while actually shooting at targets.
A shot fired at a rigid target from an unsafe distance (see Rule 2.1.3).
In this Section, if it can be established that the cause of the discharge is due to a broken or defective part of
the firearm, the competitor has not committed any safety infraction in this Section, and a disqualification will
not be invoked, but the competitor's scores for that stage will be zero.
The firearm must be immediately presented for inspection to the Range Master or his delegate,
who will inspect the firearm and carry out any tests necessary to establish that a broken or
defective part caused the discharge. A competitor may not later appeal a disqualification for an
accidental discharge due to a broken or defective part if they fail to present the firearm for
inspection prior to leaving the course of fire.
Disqualification – Unsafe Gun Handling
Examples of unsafe gun handling include, but are not limited to:
Handling a firearm at any time except when in a designated safety area or when under the supervision of, and
in response to a direct command issued by, a Range Officer.
Allowing the muzzle of a firearm to point uprange, or past the default, or specific safe angles of fire during a
course of fire, (limited exceptions: see Rules and 10.5.6).
If at any time during the course of fire, a competitor drops his firearm or causes it to fall, loaded or not. Note
that a competitor who, for any reason during a course of fire, safely and intentionally places the firearm on
the ground or other stable object will not be disqualified provided:
The competitor maintains constant physical contact with the firearm, until it is placed firmly and
securely on the ground or another stable object; and
The competitor remains within 1 meter of the firearm at all times (except where the firearm is
placed at a greater distance, under the supervision of a Range Officer, in order to comply with a
start position); and
The provisions of Rule 10.5.2 do not occur; and
The firearm is in the ready condition as specified in Section 8.1; or
The firearm is unloaded and the action is open.
Drawing or holstering a handgun within the confines of a tunnel.
Allowing the muzzle of a handgun to point at any part of the competitor's body during a course of fire (i.e.
sweeping). A disqualification is not applicable if sweeping occurs while drawing or re-holstering a gun,
provided the competitor's fingers are clearly outside the trigger guard.
Allowing the muzzle of a loaded handgun to point rearwards uprange beyond a radius of 1 meter from a
competitor's feet during drawing or re-holstering. The 1 meter concession only applies when a competitor is
facing directly downrange.
Wearing or using more than one firearm during a course of fire.
Failure to keep the finger outside the trigger guard while clearing a malfunction where the competitor clearly
moves the firearm away from aiming at targets.
Failure to keep the finger outside the trigger guard during loading, reloading, or unloading except where
specifically permitted (see Rules and
Failure to keep the finger outside the trigger guard during movement in accordance with Rule 8.5.1.
IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition