Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 67

CHAPTER 10: Penalties 10.1 Procedural Penalties – General Regulations 10.1.1 Procedural penalties are imposed when a competitor fails to comply with procedures specified in a written stage briefing and/or is found to be in violation of other general rules. The Range Officer imposing the procedural penalties must clearly record the number of penalties, and the reason why they were imposed, on the competitor's score sheet. 10.1.2 Procedural penalties are assessed at minus 10 points each. 10.1.3 A competitor disputing the application or number of procedural penalties may appeal to the Chief Range Officer and/or Range Master. A competitor who continues to be aggrieved may then lodge an appeal for arbitration. 10.1.4 Procedural penalties cannot be nullified by further competitor action. For example, a competitor who fires a shot at a target while faulting a line will still incur the applicable penalties even though he subsequently shoots at the same target while not faulting the line. 10.2 Procedural Penalties – Specific Examples 10.2.1 A competito ȁݡ